The Happy Newspaper - Issue 29 - NATURE!
Issue 29- the theme is NATURE!
A great edition to a present!
The Happy Newspaper celebrates all that’s good in the world; sharing positive news and wonderful people. The first issue launched in December 2015 thanks to 73 people who pledged towards a Kickstarter campaign which ended up reaching the target of £500 in just two days. Since then, The Happy Newspaper has been released quarterly, containing happy news which has been collected over a period of three months.
The newspaper is a 32-page publication organised chronologically, with news articles arranged month by month. Not only is the paper packed with only positive stories from across the globe, it also has an entire section dedicated to Everyday Heroes nominated by the paper's readers to feature in the paper because they add a little bit of sunshine to the world.
Each issue is based around a theme and includes various features, poems, showbiz, food and more combined with beautifully colourful illustrations throughout. As you may have noticed, this is not your typical newspaper!
The whole thing began as a very small idea in the whirlwind brain of designer and illustrator Emily Coxhead. At just 22-year-old she began to realise the negative effect that the news was having whilst going through a difficult time herself.
I stock this all from listening to and feeling inspired by a podcast she was on with Holly Tucker MBE.